Friday, January 25, 2013

Hm, well here is my first post. I always start blogs and never finish, but maybe this'll be different. I never knew who I was writing for, but I guess now I know I'm just writing for myself. Maybe people will like it; maybe they won't. I guess I'll start with the cliche "get to know me" even though it's pretty much impossible to sum myself up in a short blog post. Well, as I write this, I am 3 weeks into my 2nd semester at Purdue University. I was born and raised a Boilermaker, and now I'm just living out my destiny here at the greatest place on Earth.
I have a family. But they're so special to me, I'll probably just dedicate another seperate post to them; another cliche blogging thing to do.
I have friends whom I adore. Once again, they are all too special to sum up in a small, first blog post.
I have a boyfriend, too. I'll probably include a little about him in my "friends" post since he is my very best friend, but not too much, because I try to keep my love life a mystery to those outside of it ;)
I have dogs, but to be honest, I'm not a huge animal lover. I've never been the kid that shits my diaper because I am so excited to pet the cute puppies. I'm more of that kid who shit my diaper because I was scared of the dogs, and now I just have little to no interest in them. Some are cute. I don't know. I just thought I'd include that I have dogs, because having a dog is a very normal American thing to do and I am a very normal American person, I think.

Well that's all for now.
Peace, love and dolphins.

(Just gonna test out some sweet endings for my posts, how's that one?)