Sunday, August 3, 2014

It's fitting that I write my final blog post to conclude my adventures in Copenhagen as I sit in my bed (back home in the U.S.) at 7:15 AM. The jet lag struggle is so real.

I have not written in the last two weeks-- and while I feel like there is so much to say about them, there isn't much I can say at all. As happy as I am to be home with my family and also soon, I'll see my friends, I am overcome with so much sadness that the most amazing 7 weeks of my life has come to an end. I keep filling my head with cheesy quotes trying to console myself, like "don't cry because it's over, smile because it's happened", and while they actually fit the situation well, I also want to punch myself in the face for even knowing these quotes.

While Copenhagen was a fantastic setting for such a great summer, it was the friends I made that have completely changed me and my life forever. Even though I know they're never too far away, not seeing them everyday will be a tough transition but I know it's one I have to make. Everyone uploading their Facebook photos of our last few days together has been a nice reminder of all the memories that were made in our final days, which is a nice consolation to have.

My last night in Copenhagen couldn't have been a better way to end my time with my friends, if there was a good way to end it at all. My school hosted a reception for all of the design students, complete with an ice cream truck, a hot dog truck and obviously, plenty of alcohol (beer & wine). It was nice to have all my various friend groups gathered into one place to say our last goodbyes while also simultaneously drinking our feelings away. After the reception, I went on my last Copenhagen bar crawl (for now) with a few of my friends, but ended the night earlier than usual as many of us had early flights the next day. Luckily for me, my flight wasn't (supposed to be) until 3:30 so I had the day to lounge around and say my last goodbyes.

We were supposed to leave our housing by noon, so I had plenty of time at the airport. I had a friend on my flight, so we were able to maneuver ourselves through the incredibly unintuitive Copenhagen airport in a leisurely manner since we weren't in a hurry. By the time we got to the airport, I was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as we made it to the gate. I also fell asleep as soon as we got onto the plane, not even trying to stay awake for takeoff. However, I woke up an hour and a half later to realize that my plane actually hadn't moved at all. Apparently a lot of things were broken, and after an hour and a half of sitting on this broken plane, they let us off to run free through the Copenhagen airport for another hour and half while they tried to fix it but to no avail. I attempted to rebook my flight for just one last night, but all of the flights to Chicago were booked through the next week, so I spent my last hour in the airport accepting the fact that it was really all over.

Originally, I was supposed to have quite the posse picking me up from the airport, but as my flight got more and more delayed, my posse got smaller and smaller until it ended up just being my dad. It was probably better that way though, as it was very anti climatic and I was about out of emotions to expel at the point of my arrival anyways. He picked me up, took me to Taco Bell (obviously) and we reminisced over our summers on the car ride home. I got more and more exhausted as the car ride went on, to the point where I contemplated literally crawling into my bed when we got home. Tracy, Genna and Sam were all waiting up for me so I spent a few minutes with them until my body could barely handle being awake anymore, and was in bed before midnight (that will never happen again), and now here I am finished with an entire blog post before the clock even strikes 8.

So, here concludes my final blog post of my adventures in Copenhagen. I really did not expect to have as many people reading as I did (really only thought it'd be my mom and dad) so thank you so much to everyone who has followed my posts. I am excited for all of the "hellos" that await me as I return to Middlebury later this afternoon and the adventures ahead as the summer comes to an end.

Here's to an amazing summer with incredible people. Couldn't have asked for anything better.

XO, Bean