Monday, July 14, 2014


This will be a short blog post, because I haven't done too much but I do have a lot to look forward to!

I last posted Wednesday night, so I will start with Thursday. Thursday, I think I spent the day at the harbor or beach (I don't remember exactly). In the evening, I went with my friend Rachel to watch her friend Eric and his friends play soccer. We planned on going to the beach afterwards, so I had on a skirt and tank top and Rachel had on a dress. However, we ended up playing soccer when we got there (I can honestly say I have never played soccer in a skirt before), and I am so glad we did. I am pretty sure I am actually better now than I was in high school. Needless to say, I was pretty sore for the next few days but it was nice to get some fun exercise in while I am here! After soccer, we went to the beach and swam and had a bonfire. On Friday, I had class until noon where I then went to the harbor bath afterwards for a few hours. After the harbor, I then went to the beach with my friends to hang out before going out for the night. At the beach, we played some Danish game that reminded me of Jenga where we basically through wooden batons at wooden blocks to knock them over, so that was fun, I guess. After it started to get really windy at the beach, we went to drink at my friends' kollegium on their rooftop where we got to watch a beautiful sunset over the city. We then just went bar hopping, but nothing too interesting happened.

Friday night, my good friends (Morgan and Rachel) and I had separated into different groups because they wanted to go home while I stayed out with our other friends. Apparently, they met some random Danish people on the way home who told them about this concert under a bridge that was going on Saturday so we decided to check it out. Morgan, Rachel and I rode our bikes there which took about a half hour and decided it was definitely a place we would like to check out later. We came home, Morgan went to lunch with her friends from home and Rachel and I took naps. We then reconvened later in the evening in a bigger group to go back to this concert which was awesome!! It was literally under a bridge, like an overpass and they played techno bass music (it's not normally music I listen to so I am not familiar with the terms) but it was really fun. We went to the grocery store nearby about halfway through so they could all get beer (I bought myself a box of wine) where I met some Danish guys in front of me in the grocery store line who ended up dancing near us at the concert. We all ended up going to the bars together later, except the bar we planned to meet at was only 21 & over and my other friends had beat me there and already paid the cover fee to get in (they didn't know you had to be 21, since they're all 21 and had no problem getting in), so I ended up going to Burger King by myself where I ate four cheeseburgers waiting to meet up with my other friends, where we then went to another bar that I had also been to my very first weekend here.

Sunday, I didn't wake up until 4 (much, much needed sleep) and then I wrote a paper (who knew you had to study when you study abroad??? I didn't sign up for this!) then I went to the harbor with the big screen to meet my roommate for the World Cup Final (YAYY GERMANY!) and got to eat free s'mores :) Despite waking up very late yesterday, I still managed to go to bed earlier than I usually do (my lack of sleep certainly caught up with me).

Today, I woke up EARLY for class (now that I finally caught up on sleep) and made it with TIME TO SPARE (never happens) so I bought myself some muffins before class but then my teacher ended up buying my whole class pastries. I had my first authentic Danish Danish and it was delicious. Our teacher likes to buy us treats a lot since we have a small class of only ten kids, and we have certainly become like a family. I will miss everyone so very much when I leave!! I am in awe everyday at how lucky I am that I got such a great group of design students to spend my summer with here in Denmark. I love being able to study with kids from all different kinds of schools, backgrounds and personalities. Being from Purdue, a lot of people grew up the same in Indiana and have business or engineering majors and I don't get exposure to other creatives nearly as much as I would if I went to an art school. While aspects of it certainly make me thankful for Purdue so much (it has definitely prepared me for the professional world so well), I love being able to get to know people with such unique and strong personalities, since pretty much every designer has a very distinct personality. Anyway, after class I came back home (it is rainy here today), made chicken nuggets and French fries for lunch, cleaned my room, took a nap and watched Baby Mama and That Awkward Moment (great movie!) with Morgan and Rachel. It was my first "lazy day" since I have been here, and while it feels kind of weird, it's probably good to have a day to relax. Tomorrow, we want to ride our bikes and explore!

This week, I have a lot to look forward to! I have class everyday from 8-12 except Thursday which is perfect because I get to go pick up Karla (my roommate at Purdue/one of my best friends) and her friend from high school, Morgan, from the airport!!! Frederik (boy whose family I stayed with my first night here) was Karla's exchange student when he came to visit the States while we were in high school, and he is going to pick me up so that we can go to the airport together. We are then going to spend the day at the beach and eat at Frederik's house for dinner (free, delicious food=very exciting). Friday, I have class in the morning and then plan on taking Karla and Morgan to the harbor bath and on a tour of the city and to the bars. Saturday, I finally get to go to Tivoli Gardens (an amusement park right in the center of the city with beautiful gardens and rides) with Karla and Morgan before they leave Sunday morning for Amsterdam.

So, there is my most recent update of life in Copenhagen!! Can't wait to see what my last few weeks (so sad) have in store for me!

XO, Bri

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